The patriarchy and society continue to shun female behaviour that demonstrates autonomy and sexual agency. In my work, I seek to subvert and overthrow this notion; to transcend and negate gender clichés to demonstrate that gender, like sexuality, can be fluid and non-binary. Whilst I aim to challenge the stigma of female (and queer) sexuality and embrace the power of the Erotic, I also look to create a space where strong and powerful humans can be represented and celebrated without constraint or castigation. 

My work has always been driven by the underlying desire to provoke the status quo and societal constraints we, as 'the Other', have been subjected to. I seek to challenge the notion of gendered identity, both dominated and defined by the male heterosexual gaze, by reframing female sexualities independent from their male correlatives. By liberating women from the male-constructed images that have defined 'femininity' through the decades; the work looks to the end of sexist oppression and unequal exploitation. Playing with representation of the body and identity, femininity, and power; whilst exploring the amalgamation of fetish fashion and queer culture are key themes within my artistic practice. I hope to show that art can position sexuality as an educational, playful, and insightful tool whilst providing a visual language to symbolise the bodies and voices that are policed, censored, and marginalised. 

We can see how art and sexuality - fuelled by emotions and experience - can be essential for lasting social and political change. I hope to demonstrate that (queer) art can position sexuality as an educational, playful, and insightful tool whilst providing a visual language to symbolise the bodies and voices that are policed, censored, and marginalised. Therefore, revealing the power that sexually-explicit art can have in shaping feminist futures and queer resistance, and why intimate and authentic representations of queer sexuality is more critical than ever in a time of overt global patriarchal oppression.


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